Sunday 12 November 2017



  Yes, I recommend this novel because it is very very interesting. This book was adapted for the movies so the adaptation looks a lot like the novel. They are the same people who play the same actions. The narrator is Beatrice (it is a first person narrative) so we read the book with the eyes of the main character. There is a lot of description at the body level. We feel what Beatrice lives. I also recommend this book to people who love science fiction, because there are many things that come from the future such as the fact that the perimeter to be respected are walls and the fact that the population is divided into 5 different groups. The book does not revolve around Beatrice. The author also tells us the story of his family. Personally, I liked this book. It is well written and the reading conquered me. The only problem for me is that there is too much description. Sometimes there are paragraphs that describe. There is not too much plot .  

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